Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Recording Part 2 and First shows

Alright, we've been recording our 6 song EP for the past 2 weekends, mixing it a little in between, and it starting to take shape. I haven't been documenting this process nearly as much as I'd like to, so from now on i'm gonna start taking pictures so that the 3 people that might be reading this have something to enjoy other than my artfully crafted recap of our studio progress.

Right now we have all the drums tracked, and most of the guitar, save a couple of touch ups and noisey stuff. Bass is next,  hopefully we will get started with that on sunday. Some songs still need lyrics, then theres mixing.mastering. and we're supposed to have this finished for our show in new brunswick on Dec 21.( w/daytrader,Neur, and crucial dudes,Check it out

We better get a move on...

We also have a show coming up in trenton, nj @ the mill hill basement, it's 21+ so come out and get hammered, and hopefully like us more than you normally would. It's technically our first show, lets make it fun!


Other cool shit- Neur's EP release show is this Friday @ The New Brunswick Aquarium with some really sick bands, it's gonna get fuckin wacky :

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The start

Whats up?
 So we're Captive. We formed out of the partial break up of another NJ band A Lesser Evil. We've been writing an EP in our basement for the past 2 months and we just started recording it. Drums are done and guitar is slated for next week. Keep an eye out for the release in early December. It's looking like our first show is gonna be on 12/21 w/Daytrader, Neur(also a new NB band!), and Crucial Dudes @ The Can in New Brunswick, so that will probably be our release show, I guess. You should come out and support this show because it's one of the first shows at a new show house in NB. A lot of houses have been having trouble with noise complaints and cops lately and a few houses are even thinking about shutting down because of it, so we need to support any houses that are willing to have shows!

We're stoked to get the ball rolling and start playing shows, if you want to book us or work out a show trade hit us up @ captivebandnj@gmail.com

Thats it for now, can't really say too much else until we have some fucking music to give you guys.


P.S Keep an ear open for some other sick new bands out of NB:
Neur -Emo/Mathy weirdness(Ex Buck)- http://www.facebook.com/neurmusic

Eternal Fuzz- Sludge/Stoner Metal ( new dudes in town) - no website yet, EP coming soon